Aloha United Way 2-1-1

Statewide Information & Referral Helpline

Aloha United Way’s 211 Resource Helpline connects Hawaiʻi residents to vital services, from food and housing to mental health care.
Aloha United Way and AUW211 Logo

Donate to 2-1-1

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Your Donation Fuels a Lifeline.

Your donation keeps this lifeline open from 7:00am-10:00pm, ensuring no one faces challenges alone.

Without adequate funding, 211 may need to shorten its operating hours, limiting access to critical support when people need it most.

Learn How 211 Helps People In Need

Crisis & Essential Services:
During crises like mental health emergencies or natural disasters, 211 provides immediate, compassionate care. The helpline connects callers to over 1,300 agencies and 4,000 programs, including help with utilities, childcare, job training, and more.
Language & Local Support:
211 serves residents, by residents, and offers interpretation in over 180 languages, ensuring everyone in our diverse community can get help.

Graphic with photo of family and AUW and 211 logos

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