Sponsor Read to Me Day!
*This event has been filled. Thank you Volunteers!!
To add to this event, this year we would like to invite all volunteer readers to discuss their careers with the students! You can answer questions from the students, come prepared with a small list of your day to day activities, or anything you think might engage the kids when talking about your job.
Reader - $10
Supplies one book to one classroom for Read to Me Day
Reader - $10
Supplies one book to one classroom for Read to Me Day
Class - $250
Supply a classroom set of a book to a classroom for Read to Me Day
Supply a classroom set of a book to a classroom for Read to Me Day
Grade - $500
Supply an entire grade a class set of a book to a classroom for Read to Me Day
Supply an entire grade a class set of a book to a classroom for Read to Me Day
School - $2,000
Supply entire school with books for Read to Me Day
Supply entire school with books for Read to Me Day
*Volunteer spots will be on a first come first serve basis