Sponsor Read to Me Day!
Reading to children helps stimulate their imaginations, contributes to language development, and helps to encourage early literacy. So why not share your love of reading?
This fall, United Way’s Read to Me Day is expanding to all Akron Public Schools elementary classrooms. Volunteers will visit schools throughout Akron and read stories to kids. Grab a book and join us for a celebration of the joy of reading! Each level provides the opportunity for one volunteer to read aloud to children in an elementary school classroom.
*there is limited space at each school, volunteer spots will work on a first come first serve basis.
Reader - $10
Supplies one book to one classroom for Read to Me Day
Class - $250
Supply a classroom set of a book to a classroom for Read to Me Day
Grade - $500
Supply an entire grade a class set of a book to a classroom for Read to Me Day
School - $2,500
Supply entire school with book for Read to Me Day