Read to Me Day- Summit County

About this event

Volunteer for Read to Me Day! This event takes place within the school and is an opportunity for you to visit a classroom of students. You'll read a book aloud to the class, visit with the students, and most of all - you'll have fun! Please sign up for a time slot below to reserve your spot.

WHY READ TO CHILDREN? Reading aloud to children stimulates language and cognitive skills and builds motivation, curiosity and memory. Volunteers will be given options of books to purchase with Amazon links. Books will then be donated to the school library.

There are two reading times available: 9:30am - 10am and 1:00 - 1:30 pm. (McEbright CLC is 9:30am - 10am and 12noon - 12:30 pm). 

*Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email that will let you know what book you are reading and where that book can be purchased. 

If you are interested in sponsoring a class, grade or school please contact Darion Karam at

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